
Showing posts from August, 2008

The Obama Prayer

A friend of mine wrote this funny parody of the Lord's Prayer with Barack Obama as his inspiration. He registered the domain name and put it on the internet for everyone to see. The Our Father as Obama will have it if elected. Link to the Site | digg story

2008 Big Peach Running Co. Scavenger Hunt

8/9/2008, Marietta, GA - I woke up early to meet my team mate, John Trainor, for the 2nd annual Big Peach Running Co. Scavenger Hunt. Ten teams tested their trivia knowledge, problem solving skills, and running ability over the nearly seven mile course. Our team won the trivia contest, which meant that we seeded first. The other teams followed in thirty second intervals based on their trivia score. Each team had a sheet with clues to seven landmarks. Our task was to decipher the clues and plot the best route to hit each one. Once we arrived at a landmark, we would take a picture and then head to the next one. The team to photograph all seven and arrive back at the Big Peach first was declared the winner. John was a powerhouse. Had it not been for him I don’t think we’d have done as well as we did. We finished fourth out of ten. The first place team finished in 1:09:00! We finished in 1:33:00, 11 minutes out of third place. I felt good about our performance. I think that we r