
Showing posts from April, 2010

Time to pre-order the new Lego game

I love all the Traveler's Tale Lego games. I also know someone who loves the Harry Potter series. So, I'll be pre-ordering this game this week.

Tax Man Max

I heard on WABE that yesterday was Tax Freedom Day for Georgians. This year it took the first 98 days of the year to work and pay off all our federal, state, and local taxes. So as you're preparing for the April 15th filing deadline, sit back and watch this Schoolhouse Rock classic about taxes.

Not an April Fool's Joke: Congressman Thinks Island Can Capsize

On the drive into work today, I heard a clip of Congressman Hank Johnson from the fourth congressional district of Georgia expressing his concern that if the U.S. Navy adds an additional 8,000 troops to our base in Guam the island might tip over and capsize. I thought that this might have been an April Fool's prank, that someone took his comments out of context. But after reading this article on , I think he's serious. Judge for yourself by watching this youtube clip.

April 1, 2010 Is National Census Day

I heard on the radio this morning that today is National Census Day . I thought about filling out my form and sending it in, but since April 1st is National Census Day I think I'll wait till someone comes to my door and recreate the following skit.