
Showing posts from December, 2010

Putting an end to "Pants on the Ground"

If ever a fashion trend needed to die a quick painful death, it would have to be the habit some young men have of wearing their pants so low that they hang off their ass, also known as " sagging ." I thought this trend would have shuffled off this mortal coil years ago. You would think that tripping over your own pants, falling down and literally showing your ass to the world would nip this trend in the bud. However, Andrew D. Lewis , the entrepreneurial force behind Hatch Ventures , has unleashed a new product guaranteed to ensure the survival of this fashion faux pas.  He calls this product, " Subs " and for the ridiculous price of $29.99 you too can look this foolish. Here's a video from CNN showing off Subs. If you're on my naughty list this Christmas, then I might just buy these for your teenage son or your daughter's boyfriend.  Oh and on a side note, if Andrew's invention has fired up the entrepreneurial spirit within you, just know

Crappy gift idea from Germany

Thanks to @someecards, I found this treat in my twitter feed today.  Leave it to the Germans to incorporate most of the bodily functions into children's games.  I'm not sure what they're saying in the commercial, but it looks like the object of "Kackel Dackel", is to get the dog to eat and poop. Here's another game from the same company called "Snotty Snotter" where you try to pick as many boogers from the guy's nose before his brain explodes out of his head. And yet another game called "Schweine Schwarte" where you try to stuff a pig chef with as many hamburgers without making his stomach explode. If you're on my naughty list this year, you're probably going to be getting one of these as your gift this year.

The Amazing Race(ist cupcakes)

Just saw this post on . It seems that Duncan Hines has a new product that they're hawking using cupcakes singing in blackface.  I think this was suppose to be on their youtube channel (SFW), but it looks like they pulled it. has the video so you can judge for yourself.  Click on the link below the image and check it out. Video of singing cupcakes

I can't wait until Family Guy springs the "Trap"

As a fan of both Star Wars and Family Guy, I can't wait to see Family Guy's take on Return of the Jedi . If you get a kick out of these, then also check out Robot Chicken's take on Star Wars.

In honor of the last day of Hanukkah I share with you The Maccabeats

Since today's the last day of Hanukkah, I thought I'd share this catchy little song that explains what it's all about.

Donate a book and get a Christmas Album

Pomplamoose, a musical group that I posted about a while back , is giving away an album of Christmas mp3s if you donate a used book to the Richmond Book Drive . The idea is to get some gently used books into the hands of students in Richmond California. A well deserved tip of the hat to Pomplamoose and file this under the category of win-win. Kids get books and you get a free Christmas album. If you're not familiar with Pomplamoose, check out their youtube channel here . You may have seen them on TV doing some car commercials for Hyundai. Anyway, I think the music is very cool and it's a worth cause. Check it out.

A Simple Brilliant Idea

A Gizmodo post about the winning project in the Volkswagen's Fun Theory series. I think this is a simple yet brilliant idea. I'm not a big fan of photo cops, but the idea of being able to win money for obeying the law is appealing. This concept might even work in Atlanta, a city where everyone drives 80 miles an hour or faster. That is when they're not standing still, stuck in traffic. :)

Into the Fold

On the way into work this morning I heard Neal Boortz talking about a couple of shoplifters in Oklahoma. I just had to find this story to get all the details. All I can say is it gives new meaning to the phrase, "Into the fold."